September 26, 2009

A Quick Note:

Hey blog readers!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Not only has Inglourious been like the only movie I've seen for like a month, I just made the move down to my new home (at the University of Oregon. If you go there, hit me up!). Lots of craziness has been going down, so sorry for the delay.

I will be posting a review later today. Probably as soon as possible (while it's still in my head).

and also I wanted to inform you of what exactly is going to go down here with my blog:

Because getting tickets for movies is a little more difficult for me, I have decided to start reviewing pretty much any movie I see (meaning DVDs). Just so you know what's good and what's not good. for sure.

anyways, i guess i'll stop writing (as to not bore your eyes) but just wanted to give you the heads up!

OH and one more thing:

YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A BLOGGER ACCOUNT TO COMMENT!!! hooray!!!! so feel free to drop me a line. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. plus, i'd like to see other people's opinions on it!